In November 26th to 27th of 2016, the RBF church hosted a conference to commemorate six years anniversary for existence and recognition with a legal status into the United States (US).

This conference was welcomed in Houston, Texas and many other parts of the US. Among the people which attended the conference were from various churches such as Fort Worth, Iowa and Abilene.     

On the first day of the conference, the congregation gathered in the house of the Lord our Father in heaven on Saturday morning at 9: 30 AM.   The master of ceremony was Pastor Rukata. In his opening remarks welcomed all the people who had managed to attend the conference. In this regard, Pastor Rukata asked Senior Pastor Andrea Bucumi to welcome our guest of honor, who included Pastor Shibilingi and other Pastors from different states across the US.

This was followed by moments of cerebration coupled with songs from several choirs, including our own choirs such as Huduma, Tueneze Injiri, Upendo and Mapambano. After this, there was praise and worship songs and that was followed by preaching time. We had two Pastors who preached the word of God. Through the readings from John 2:1, the first pastor preached about the two types of invitation that exist in this world today-in which one was referred to “a human invitation” while the second is a “Godly invitation.” He highlighted that a human invitation can be misleading, sometimes selective and discriminative while a Godly invitation does not discriminate-the wedding of Canaan was his point of reference in which he said that everyone was invited.


The second pastor who preached talked about the end day of the world today. He gave numerous examples that shows that we are at the end of the world and encouraged Christians to be prepared and vigilant to avoid being misled.


After the word of God, it was time for offerings in the house of the Lord, which was followed by a vote of thanks from Pastor Rukata. He thanked all the victors for joining the RBF church in commemorating its 6th year anniversary. This was followed by eating and drinking. Most of our visitors were provided with accommodations in the Alikita Hotel, near our conference venue.


On the second day of our conference, the program started at 9:30 AM. It was on Sunday, 27th of November 2016. The master of ceremony was Pastor Rukata. In his opening words, he greeted and welcomed everybody in Jesus name. Senior Pastor Andrea Bucumi was given the opportunity to again introduce and welcome our guest, who included visitors who were not there on the opening day.

 It was followed by songs from different choirs, which included the Choir from Fort Worth and Abilene as well as our home based choirs. After the time of praise and worship songs, Pastor Matendo Shibilingi was welcomed to altar by Pastor Rukata to preach the word of God to the whole congregation. His reading was from Exodus 15: 23.  He started by commenting to the preaching of the previous preachers and reinforced their teachings, which he praised them for their courageous determination in spreading the word of God. He also highlighted that Pastors must tell the truth when teaching the word of God irrespective of the consequences they may face. He also said that, in the house of the Lord, the only word that people want to listen to is the words which makes them happy and blessed, which is contrary to his views.


After the main preacher, the service continued with the time of offerings. It was then followed by eating and drinking. During this time, we had the opportunity to share the cake in front of the congregation. It was a joyful moment in the history of RBF church. Followed by the time of announcement, the vote of thanks and dismissing remarks from Senior Pastor Andrea Bucumi. Most of our visitors departed after eating and drinking as it was the last day of our conference.


                  May Glory be to the almighty God! Our Father.